家人與情感的定格 - Bobby Sham大片幅家庭照攝影工作坊
Portraits of Family Memories – Bobby Sham Large Format Family Portrait Photography Workshop
Date and time
Chuen Lung Koon Man School
Route Twisk Tsuen Wan, NT Hong KongRefund Policy
About this event
- Event lasts 6 hours
主持 Facilitator | 沈嘉豪 (波針) Bobby K H SHAM (Bobpin)
日期 Date|15.02.2025 (六 SAT)
時間 Time|(兩節 two sessions) 11:00 - 12:30 , 14:00 - 17:00
地點 Location|川龍村貫文空間 @koonmanspace, Chuen Lung
語言 Language | 粵語 Cantonese
名額 Capacity | 5-6組家庭 5 to 6 groups of families
費用 Fee| $600 (每個家庭最多可容納三名成員 Maximum of 3 members per family)
*我們建議參加者攜帶一件大型玩具拍攝 Participants are advised to bring a large toy to photograph with
**如想攜帶更多家庭成員,請私訊我們!額外成員每位$88 If you would like to invite more members, feel free to DM us, $88 per person
貫文空間將於農曆新年假期後舉辦【家人與情感的定格 - Bobby Sham大片幅家庭照攝影工作坊】讓大家體驗昔日拍攝全家福的文化。此次攝影工作坊分為兩節:
第一節,Bobby 將為參加者介紹拍攝全家福的歷史、大片幅攝影的演變與應用,以及他本人和其他攝影藝術家的作品分享; 第二節,Bobby 及其團隊將指導參加者使用提供的大片幅相機 Ebony RSW45 和 4x5 彩色負片菲林(每個家庭可拍攝四張),以大片幅攝影技術拍攝家庭照,以重新了解及表達與家人的關係。
How much connection and precious memories are contained within a family portrait? In the old days, it was a common practice for many families to visit studios to take family portraits during the Lunar New Year. However, with the passage of time, the popularisation of photography has led to the forgetting of family portraits.
If you would like to experience the essence of taking family portraits from the old days, Koon Man Space will be holding the ‘𝑷𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝑴𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 – 𝑩𝒐𝒃𝒃𝒚 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒎 𝑳𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒕 𝑭𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 𝑷𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒕 𝑷𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒚 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒑’ in the middle of February. The photography workshop is divided into two parts:
Bobby will first introduce participants to the history of family portraits, the evolution and application of large format photography, as well as share his own works and those of other photography artists; In the later part, Bobby and his team will guide participants in using the provided large format camera, the Ebony RSW45, and 4x5 colour sheet film (each family can take four shots) to capture their own family portrait using large format photography techniques, allowing for a renewed understanding and expression of their relationships with family members.
Whether it’s laughter, tears, or the little moments of daily life, a powerful family portrait can outline a unique family story. Large format photography adds a distinctive artistic quality to family photos, featuring shallow depth of field that makes the subjects stand out clearly while softly blurring the background.
Join us at the workshop with your family to capture an amazing family portrait and cherish the wonderful moments of togetherness!
沈嘉豪(波針) ,香港攝影師,善長使用大片幅相機作為創作媒介。也從事攝影藝術行政,策展及教育工作。現任香港中文大學新聞及傳播學係兼職講師、香港國際攝影節發起人。在過往二十多年間他舉辦過四次個人攝影展及参與多次國際及香港的大型攝影活動。其中《小店舖 》系列於香港國際攝影節主辦《300家---樂。活。當下》(2013香港、2014北京、2015瀋陽)中展出。《300家---樂。活。當下》也同時是沈氏的策展項目。2016年再為香港國際攝影節策展《千户》攝影展。最新作品《那年我在北京幸福三村每天早上所看到的...》於《北京__公里:香港藝術家與攝影師聯展》(2021) 中展出,展覽由香港藝術發展局資助。
About the Artist
Bobby K H SHAM (Bobpin) is a Hong Kong (HK) photographer who specializes in large-format photography as part of his creative practice.He is also involved in photo art administration, curation and education. Now he is a part-time lecturer in the School of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of HK; the Initiator of the Hong Kong International Photo Festival(HKIPF). He had 4 solo photo exhibitions and joined many international and HK group shows during the past twenty years. was shown in the exhibition(2013 HK, 2014 Beijing, 2015 Shenyang) (he also acted as the exhibition curator) presented by the HKIPF . He curated the <1000 Families> photo exhibition again for the HKIPF in 2016. The newest work was exhibited in the show photo exhibition again for the HKIPF in 2016. The newest work was exhibited in the show <Beijing_Kilometers: a group exhibition of Hong Kong Artists and Photographers > (2021) which was supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
香港國際攝影節由香港攝影文化協會主辦,協會為根據《稅務條例》獲確認豁免缴稅資格之慈善團體,如捐款逾港幣100元者需要收據,請電郵 info@hkipf.org.hk 與我們聯繫。
About the Hong Kong International Photo Festival
Hong Kong International Photo Festival (HKIPF) was launched in 2010. In each edition, the Festival focuses on a different theme, bringing together local and overseas photographers to discuss manifold issues and perspectives. Through a wide range of public programmes, the Festival promotes creative practices as a means to deepen our connection to the environments we live in and the people we live with. In May 2024, HKIPF opened Koon Man Space, a centre for learning and experimentation through photography housed in a refurbished school house in Chuen Lung Village, Tsuen Wan.
HKIPF’s activities are organised by the Hong Kong Photographic Culture Association, a tax-exempt charity under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. All donations received will form part of the funding support under the Art Development Matching Grants Scheme of the Home Affairs Bureau. If you’d like to make a tax-deductible donation of HKD 100 or more, reach out to info@hkipf.org.hk.
*Hong Kong Photographic Culture Association is financially supported by the HKADC
*Proceeds from the above events will be donated to the Hong Kong Photographic Culture Association (HKPCA) as charity proceeds. HKPCA is a tax-exempt charity under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance
Organized by
HKIPF 2024 Flagship Exhibition ‘Mega Family: Imagining Home’
Dates 日期: 2024.11.08–12.08 (11:00-20:00 Daily)
Venue 場地: Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港藝術中心