時尚焦點 - 郭培限量作品集 | The Fashion Spotlight - Guo Pei Limited Collection
展示中國首位高級定制時尚設計師郭培的 《郭培高級服裝定製藝術作品集》與手稿。Showcase the 《郭培高級服裝定製藝術作品集》 and fashion sketches of Guo Pei, China’s leading couture artist.
Date and time
No available dates
DX design hub
DX design hub 280 Tung Chau Street Sham Shui Po, KOW Hong KongAgenda
11:00 AM - 6:00 PM
時尚焦點 - 郭培限量作品集 | The Fashion Sportlight - Guo Pei Limited Collection
About this event
展示中國首位高級定制時尚設計師郭培的 《郭培高級服裝定製藝術作品集》與手稿。Showcase the 《郭培高級服裝定製藝術作品集》and fashion sketches of Guo Pei, China’s leading couture artist.
About Guo Pei
Guo Pei was the first couturier and is the most acclaimed couture artist in China. In the past over 30 years of career dedication to fashion and couture designs, Guo Pei has always adhered to the design philosophy of 'Eastern learning as root, and Western learning as applications'.
日期:2024年12月9日 至 2025年6月1日
地址:九龍深水埗通州街 280 號DX設計館3樓滙館
Date: December 9, 2024 - June 1, 2025
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday: 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Venue: The Lounge, 3/F, DX design hub, 280 Tung Chau Street, Sham Shui Po
Free Registration and Admission
Inclement Weather Arrangements
8 號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號:
Typhoon sign No. 8 or above:
本館將會關閉。倘若 8 號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號除下時,距離本館閉館時間不足兩小時,當日將不會開放。
The Library will close. If the signal is lowered less than 2 hours before the normal
closing time, the Library will remain closed that day.
Black rainstorm warning:
If the warning is issued during normal opening hours, the Library will remain open.
If the warning is issued before the library opens, the library will be closed until the
warning is cancelled. If the warning is cancelled less than 2 hours before normal
closing hours, the Library will remain closed that day.
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Individuals who complete the registration process confirm that they have read and agreed to the registration procedures, as well as the general visitor guidelines, terms, and conditions of the DX Library.
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