【2024.12.27 晚場】Watoto兒童合唱團 Better Days—There Is Hope 香港站
Ticket sales end soon

【2024.12.27 晚場】Watoto兒童合唱團 Better Days—There Is Hope 香港站

Watoto兒童合唱團將來港呈獻新製作「Better Days—There Is Hope」⾳樂會。孩子們將透過精彩的歌舞與觀眾分享他們從痛苦絕望轉為感恩慶祝的生命故事,帶領觀眾走進一個仿如身處非洲的感動旅程。

By Watoto Asia

Date and time

Friday, December 27 · 7 - 8:15pm HKT


鑽石山浸信會 Diamond Hill Baptist Church

鳳德街52號 No. 52 Fung Tak Road 鑽石山 Diamond Hill, KOW Hong Kong

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 15 minutes

今年10⽉至12月,Watoto兒童合唱團將來港呈獻新製作「Better Days—There Is Hope」⾳樂會,隨後前往星馬。在這為期五個多⽉的亞洲之旅,孩⼦們透過熱情的歌舞與觀眾分享上帝從困境中拯救他們,讓他們重拾希望的故事。孩⼦們以⾳樂分享他們從痛苦絕望轉為歡欣積極的⽣命⾒證,並為非洲的弱勢孩⼦發聲,分享當地的需要,帶領觀眾走進⼀個恍如⾝處非洲的感動旅程。
如欲了解更多有關Watoto兒童關懷事工,歡迎瀏覽 www.watoto.asia

In October this year, the Watoto Children’s Choir will present their new production, “Better Days – There Is Hope” concert in Asia. During this five-month tour across Asia, through passionate singing and dancing, the children will share stories of how God rescued them from difficult circumstances and how they have regained hope in their lives. Our Choir will share their testimonies of transformation from pain and despair towards joy and hope, and raising awareness for disadvantaged children in Africa. The worship experience takes the audience on a touching journey as if they are in Africa.
Learn more about Watoto Child Care Ministries at www.watoto.asia

Frequently asked questions

座位設劃位嗎?Is seating assigned?

不設劃位,座位先到先得,觀眾可於開場前30分鐘進場,敬請提早到達場地。如已滿座,有機會未能安排入場觀賞。Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Doors open 30 minutes before our event starts. We strongly recommend arriving early to secure your preferred seats. Admission might not be guaranteed if the venue reaches full capacity.

手抱嬰兒需要門票入場嗎?Does infants require a ticket?

不佔位(手抱)的嬰兒不需門票。其他觀眾一人一票,幼童亦須憑票入場。Infants do not require a ticket. Each ticket admits one adult/child only.

場地內可以拍攝嗎?Is it allowed to take photos and videos?

歡迎在場內拍攝,並分享給好友,但請避免使用閃光燈攝影。You are very welcome to film and share with your friends, but please kindly avoid using flashlight.

我可以如何為團體預留門票?How can I reserve tickets for groups?

我們可以為30人以上之團體安排門票,請WhatsApp 63885137聯絡合唱團同工Winkey。We can arrange tickets for groups of 30 or more. Please contact choir staff member Winkey via WhatsApp at 63885137.

極端天氣安排 Arrangement under extreme weather conditions

節目如因天氣或突發事故取消,本會會在社交媒體和官方網站上發出通知。請密切留意我們的社交媒體和官方網站,以獲取最新資訊。If the concert is canceled due to severe weather conditions or emergency conditions, notifications will be posted on Watoto Asia’s website and social media pages. Please stay tuned for the latest updates.

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