2025 AEE and Bauhinia Experiential Learning Asia-Pacific Region Conference

2025 AEE and Bauhinia Experiential Learning Asia-Pacific Region Conference

Unlock Your Potential in Experiential Learning PRIORITY REGISTRATION AT SPECIAL RATES NOW OPEN! 發掘體驗學習的自我潛能 現已開放優先報名特別優惠!

Date and time

Wed, 12 Feb 2025 08:00 - Sun, 16 Feb 2025 16:30 HKT


The ISF Academy

1 Kong Sin Wan Road Pokfulam Hong Kong Hong Kong

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

2025 AEE and Bauhinia Experiential Learning Asia-Pacific Region Conference
Unlock Your Potential in Experiential Learning
Priority Deadline: 31 October 2024

發掘體驗學習的自我潛能 現已開放優先報名特別優惠!


Please refer to the official website for the detailed agenda.

Please refer to the official website for the detailed agenda.

Please refer to the official website for the detailed agenda.

Frequently asked questions

When is the conference?

Pre-conference events (Feb 12-14) offer various certifications. The Welcome Banquet on Feb 14 will feature a panel on "The Advancement of Experiential Learning." by the conference keynote speakers. The main conference (Feb 15-16) includes keynotes and sessions on five core streams.


年會將於2025年2月12日至16日舉行。 會前論壇日活動將於2月12日至14日舉行,與會者可按照自身專業需求和個人興趣,選擇參加各種國際認可的證書及資歷項目。 歡迎晚宴將於2月14日星期五晚上舉行,屆時將由嘉賓講者帶領,以「體驗式學習的發展:我們一起成長」為題進行討論,這是一個獨特的機會,讓你從頂尖專家和創新者身上獲得有關體驗式學習的獨到見解。 主會議將於2月15日(星期六)至2月16日(星期日)舉行,包括主題演講、工作坊和涵蓋保護兒童、戶外教育、服務學習、風險管理,以及運動員聲音及福祉等五大主題的環節。請參閱活動時間表,決定參加哪個項目。

Where does the event take place?

The main conference, welcome banquet, and some of the pre-conference events will take place at The ISF Academy, located at 1 Kong Sin Wan Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong. Some of the outdoor pre-conference events will take place at BELL's Shek Pik Experiential Learning Center.



What languages will be used? 主會議以甚麼語言進行?

The conference will be bilingual, conducted in both English and Chinese. 主會議以中英文雙語進行。

Who is the target audience of the conference? 誰是論壇的目標受眾?

The target audience includes teachers, school management, outdoor education professionals, industry providers, and professionals who work with children. 目標受眾包括教師、學校管理層、戶外教育專業人士、行業供應商、從事兒童工作的專業人士。

Can I attend only one of the events (pre-conference, welcome banquet, or conference)?

Yes, you can purchase a ticket for only the event that interests you or meets your professional needs.



Can I attend more than one pre-conference events?

Yes, you can purchase tickets for one or more pre-conference events based on your interests or professional needs. However, most pre-conference events overlap, so check the dates and times. Some events may require physical activity, so please assess your ability before purchasing tickets.



Can I be a peer presenter and what are the benefits?

We welcome peer presenter nominations. Peer presenters will receive free access to the welcome banquet and conference. Please email us at conference@bell.org.hk to learn more.



Will there be networking opportunities?

Yes, the conference includes several networking opportunities, including the welcome banquet, panel discussions, and a cocktail reception. These events are designed to help you connect with other professionals in your field.



Is there a dress code for the event?

There is no formal dress code for the welcome banquet and conference; a comfortable outfit is recommended for a professional yet relaxed experience. For pre-conference activities, please dress comfortably according to physical activity needs or sport attire appropriate for the activity.



Are there any discounts available?

The original price for a conference ticket is HK$3,000 each. We offer a priority price of HK$1,500 for purchases made by October 31, 2024, and an early bird discount of HK$2,200 for purchases made by November 30, 2024. You can enjoy these discounts directly on Eventbrite.



Are tickets refundable? 門票可以退款嗎?

We regret that all tickets for this event are non-refundable. 很抱歉,此活動所有門票均不設退款。

Are there any other payment methods available other than Eventbrite?

Eventbrite is our preferred method for purchasing tickets as it ensures accurate recording of participant information and helps avoid manual errors. However, if you are unable to use Eventbrite, please contact us at conference@bell.org.hk for alternative payment options.



Is there parking available at the event venue? 活動場地設有停車場嗎?

We regret that no parking is available at The ISF Academy. The nearest parking can be found at Cyberport. 很抱歉,弘立書院不提供停車場。最近的停車場位於數碼港。

What is the transportation arrangement for Shek Pik Experiential Learning Center?

On pre-conference dates, a daily round-trip shuttle bus service between Shek Pik Experiential Learning Center and The ISF Academy will be provided.



What are the accommodation options near the event venue?

We have partnered with nearby hotels and a hostel to offer discounted rates and daily round-trip shuttle bus service for attendees. A list of recommended accommodations and booking details will be provided upon ticket purchase. For more info before purchasing, email us at conference@bell.org.hk.



How can I stay updated on conference news and changes?

We will send important updates and information to registered attendees via email. Please make sure you have entered a valid email address.



Can I get a certificate of attendance? 我能否獲得出席證明?

Yes, participants who attend the conference will receive a certificate of attendance. Please ensure you check in at the registration desk each day to confirm your attendance. 是的,與會者將獲得出席證明。請務必每天在登記處簽到,以確認你的出席記錄。

Inclement Weather 惡劣天氣安排

If the event needs to be canceled due to inclement weather, it will be rescheduled with further notice. 如果活動因惡劣天氣而需要取消,我們會另行改期並作出通知。

Organised by

Bauhinia Experiential Learning Limited (BELL) is a not-for-profit organization under The Independent Schools Foundation Limited.

BELL offers a range of services that focus on experiential learning and are deeply rooted in Chinese culture. These services provide an approach to learning that develops leadership, nurtures character and grows life skills.


BELL 提供一系列以體驗學習為重心並根植於中華文化的服務。這些服務提供一種學習方法,以培養領導才能和品格,並協助學習者發展生活技能。

From HK$220