鄉愁無所歸:酌情公開 Displaced Nostalgia: Not So Personal (2025) (貴賓專場 VIP session)

鄉愁無所歸:酌情公開 Displaced Nostalgia: Not So Personal (2025) (貴賓專場 VIP session)

巴塞爾藝術展香港展會貴賓專場 Art Basel Hong Kong VIP Session.


Select date and time

Friday, March 28 · 1 - 2pm HKT


WMA Space

8/F, Chun Wo Commercial Centre 23-27 Wing Wo Street Hong Kong, HKI Hong Kong

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour

鄉愁無所歸:酌情公開 Displaced Nostalgia: Not So Personal (2025)




The contemporary overflow of information prioritises the immediate over analysis or mediation, leading to a life that lacks reflection and focus. Amidst the dynamic bustle of March’s cultural events, can we carve out a space where audience can breathe, and immerse themselves in contemplation?

WMA invites artist Jeemin Kim and novelist Shueng-King Aaron Tang, who has lived in multiple locations, to present a durational performance titled “Displaced Nostalgia: Not So Personal,” interpreting and responding to Anson Mak’s “No Such Person.”

The performance invites audiences to lay aside their devices and enter, enter, wander and exit freely in a realm where time and space blur. With a fresh perspective, they can attune themselves to the fluidity of time and ponder the intricate connections between displacement and the notion of home. As Kim rearranges and projects household objects, Tang responds through the act of writing, inviting participants to immerse themselves in a shared experience that is both deeply personal and collectively resonant.


*Over the course of the performance, which lasts for 7 hours, registered audiences are free to enter or leave the space at any point.

關於藝術家 About the artists


JeeMin Kim (b.1993) is a painting and installation artist whose practice interrogates the ways in which history and mythology are constructed, challenging dominant narratives. Having art training in the U.K., she is currently based in Seoul.

鄧尚敬(1994年生)為一位小說家,作品探討跨國亞裔移民的內部生活(Thea Lim,《國家》雜誌)。曾獲多項寫作獎項的他生自加國,成長於香港,現駐幾地。

Sheung-King Aaron Tang (b.1994) is a novelist, whose work examines “the interior lives of the transnational Asian diaspora” (Thea Lim, The Nation). A recipient of several national writing awards, he was born in Vancouver, grew up in Hong Kong and is currently based in multiple locations across continents.

會員詳情 Membership Details

WMA Space 及 WYNG Space 為私人場所,訪客須成為WMA會員方能進場參觀。一經登記參加是次活動,你將自動註冊成為WMA會員。

WMA Space and WYNG Space are private venues for WMA Members only. By registering for this event, you will be automatically signed up as a WMA member.

Organized by

WMA is a non-profit platform dedicated to facilitating greater understanding of Hong Kong through the lens-based art form.

WMA 為一個致力以影像藝術深入探索香港的非牟利平台。