「身體即文體」寫作坊 ‘The body is the script’ Writing Workshop「身體即文體」寫作坊 ‘The body is the script’ Writing WorkshopFri, Mar 21, 19:30WYNG Common • Central, HKIFreeSave 「身體即文體」寫作坊 ‘The body is the script’ Writing Workshop to your collection.Share 「身體即文體」寫作坊 ‘The body is the script’ Writing Workshop with your friends.
MINDSHOP™| Become an Efficient Product OwnerMINDSHOP™| Become an Efficient Product OwnerWed, Mar 19, 19:00Mindshop Online Classroom • Hong Kong, HKIUS$49.77Save MINDSHOP™| Become an Efficient Product Owner to your collection.Share MINDSHOP™| Become an Efficient Product Owner with your friends.
Distinguished Speaker Series: New Electric and Hybrid AircraftDistinguished Speaker Series: New Electric and Hybrid AircraftTue, Mar 25, 17:00MIT Hong Kong Innovation Node • Hong Kong, KOWFreeSave Distinguished Speaker Series: New Electric and Hybrid Aircraft to your collection.Share Distinguished Speaker Series: New Electric and Hybrid Aircraft with your friends.
From Passion to Practice: Navigating Your Coaching Path with ConfidenceFrom Passion to Practice: Navigating Your Coaching Path with ConfidenceTue, Mar 18, 19:00Love Express • Causeway Bay, HKIHK$127.19 - HK$476.96Save From Passion to Practice: Navigating Your Coaching Path with Confidence to your collection.Share From Passion to Practice: Navigating Your Coaching Path with Confidence with your friends.
免費 - Business Automation with chatGPT Workshop免費 - Business Automation with chatGPT WorkshopThu, Mar 20, 19:00Hong Kong Productivity Council • Hong Kong, KOWFreeSave 免費 - Business Automation with chatGPT Workshop to your collection.Share 免費 - Business Automation with chatGPT Workshop with your friends.
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Staying Ahead of Regulatory Updates for Apparel ComplianceStaying Ahead of Regulatory Updates for Apparel ComplianceTue, Apr 29, 14:30Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. • Hong Kong SARFreeSave Staying Ahead of Regulatory Updates for Apparel Compliance to your collection.Share Staying Ahead of Regulatory Updates for Apparel Compliance with your friends.
Managing an Aging and Age-Diverse WorkforceManaging an Aging and Age-Diverse WorkforceTue, Mar 25, 19:00HKPS Office • Hong Kong, KOWHK$116.59 - HK$233.18Save Managing an Aging and Age-Diverse Workforce to your collection.Share Managing an Aging and Age-Diverse Workforce with your friends.
APICS.hk CLTD Certified in Logistics, Transportation and DistributionAPICS.hk CLTD Certified in Logistics, Transportation and DistributionThu, Oct 9, 10:00Hong Kong Science Park • Shatin, NTHK$15,400 - HK$28,300Save APICS.hk CLTD Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution to your collection.Share APICS.hk CLTD Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution with your friends.
Understanding Kitchenware RegulationsUnderstanding Kitchenware RegulationsTue, Sep 9, 14:30Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd. • Hong Kong SARFreeSave Understanding Kitchenware Regulations to your collection.Share Understanding Kitchenware Regulations with your friends.