Effortless Intelligence Key Management System with Cyber Security

Effortless Intelligence Key Management System with Cyber Security

Learn how to effortlessly manage keys and enhance cybersecurity in this online event focused on intelligence and practical solutions.

Date and time

Wed, 25 Sep 2024 23:30 - Thu, 26 Sep 2024 01:00 PDT




2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Effortless Intelligence Key Management System with Cyber Security

Topics: 1. Concept of Ubergard Key Management; 2. Main Key Functions & Features Showcase; 3. Worldwide Case References; 4. Demo and Q&A Session

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

Effortless Intelligence Key Management System with Cyber Security

Welcome to our online event focusing on the Effortless Intelligence Key Management System with Cyber Security. Join us for an insightful session where experts will discuss the importance of key management in ensuring data security. Learn about the latest trends and best practices in cyber security to protect your organization from potential threats. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your knowledge and network with industry professionals. Register now to secure your spot!

The New Technology For The Sake Of Safety, Security & Protection

技術支援新領域 及至 資料與財產安全 保護私隱

🗓️ 日期:2024年9月26日星期四 September 26, 2024 Thursday


Webinar: 線上 Teams Meeting (Details to be advised individually by email)


費用:免費 FREE

Main Key Functions & Features:-

  • Automated Electronics Key System with User-Friendly Touch Screen
  • All-In-One-Technology & Cyber-Security Protection Management
  • Octopus Card / Staff Card System integrated
  • Face Recognitions Feature Easier Identified
  • Computerized Control System to Identify Users Privilege
  • Reduces Manpower
  • ISO Certified


  • 方便使用者 輕觸型摸屏的 自動電子鑰匙系統
  • 多合一技術和網絡安全保護管理
  • 可用於八達通卡及職員證系統整合
  • 設有人臉識別功能系統 容易辨別身份
  • 電腦控制系統 識別用戶許可權
  • 減少人力資源
  • ISO認證

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We provide cloud solutions for your business

Whether you sell online, in physical store, process employee timesheet and payroll or manage keys for facilities and fleet of vehicles, we have solutions for you.

Please contact us 

Website : www.alfacloud.com.hk

Tel : 39023004

Email : enquiry@alfacloud.com.hk