How to prepare IPO successfully

How to prepare IPO successfully


Date and time

Tuesday, November 26 · 7 - 8:30pm HKT


Six Sigma Institute

3 Salisbury Road Unit 1234, 12F Star House Tsim Sha Tsui, KOW Hong Kong

About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes


  • What is IPO
  • Parties involved in IPO
  • Way of IPO
  • Why should a company do an IPO successfully


Mr. David Chan / 陳德盛 先生

資深企業顧問,為企業提供以下各種專業服務:家族辦公室、投資、財務資產管理、公司治理、IPO上市輔導、ESG 諮詢、合規、估值指引、企業融資、會計、稅務、企業投資、重組與併購、管理諮詢等。 至2022年末,曾籌備在香港上市的企業包括海產養殖公司、礦業公司、醫療設備公司、化學製造公司、房地產公司、機械工程公司及家私製造公司。 也為香港上市公司作併購內地公司的顧問。 陳德盛先生是香港一間擁用香港證監會4、5、6、9號金融牌照的上市金融集團的合規顧問。 陳德盛先生曾在本地及國際會計師事務所工作。 他共參與了近20間香港上市公司審計以及深圳證券交易所B股上市和納斯達克上市的申報會計師工作。 現時,陳先生也為一個家族辦公室服務,監管合規、投資、財務等。 陳先生是一家總部位於深圳的跨國公司的全球稅務規劃和外匯對沖顧問。

Mr. Chan Tak Shing, David, is an experienced professional consultant, mainly provide the following professional advice: Family Office, Investment, Finance and Asset control, Corporate Governance, IPO Advicing & Guidance, ESG consultancy, Compliance, Valuation, Corporate Financing, Accounting, Taxation, Corporate Investment, Mergers and Acquisitions and Management Consulting. Upto year end 2022, the nature of Hong Kong listing companies he participated including artificial marine rearing, mining, medical accessories manufacturing, chemical manufacturing, property development, mechanical engineering and furniture manufacturing company, He was also the advisor of several cases of Hong Kong Listing companies merger and acquisition in China. Currently, Mr. Chan is the Compliance Consultant of a Hong Kong listing Group which processes Type 4,5,6,9 Licence under the Securities and Futures Ordinance Cap. 571. He participated near twenty listing companies audit in Hong Kong. Furthermore, he worked in B shares Listing at Shenzhen and NASDAQ shares before. Mr. Chan also serves in a Family Office, monitoring the compliance, investments and financing. Mr. Chan is a Consultant for a Shenzhen based MNC in Global Tax Planning and Foreign Exchange Hedging.

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Six Sigma Institute (SSI) is the first non-profit organization in Hong Kong specially providing Six Sigma Trainings, registrations and examinations to recognize professional status of Six Sigma practitioners. During 10 years since officially established in 2003, SSI has always been dedicated to promoting Six Sigma concept and opening courses, activities and seminars. The SSI also works closely with universities, colleges and professional bodies in organizing courses or events and assists a number of public and private institutions having in-house trainings. SSI has been committed to the promotion of Six Sigma application and provides registration of professional qualifications and examinations for Six Sigma specialists to recognize their qualifications.

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