Lettering and Sign Painting Masterclass by Katol

Lettering and Sign Painting Masterclass by Katol

Learn how to paint traditional signage with Katol in collaboration with HKWALLS and Hysan Development!


Select date and time

Sun, 1 Dec 2024 14:30 - 16:30 HKT


5 Sharp Street East

5 Sharp Street East Tools of The Trade Pop-up Causeway Bay, HKI Hong Kong

About this event

Lettering and Sign Painting

Through hands-on exploration of sign painting, participants will learn the art of lettering and brushwork techniques, to create their own sign on an A3 paper.

For Ages 12+



About Katol

As a Hong Kong artist, Katol had his claim to fame from his exceptional graphic design. Being the co-founder of Social Nerd and Coffee & Laundry, he has worked with hundreds of brands and artist studios around the globe. In recent years, he researched hand-painted sign lettering techniques, combining them with his experience in graphic design to create a unique and personal sense of style. Aside from continuous multidisciplinary collaborative efforts, his recent signature creation of hand-painted signage had garnered praise from the local artist community. Katol adores traditional Hong Kong culture and has always sought inspiration from it. His work adorns multiple local shops and restaurants.


香港藝術家Katol 以其出色的平面設計而聞名,作品遍佈本地的大小商店及餐廳。作為Social Nerd及Coffee & Laundry的聯合創始人,他曾與全球逾百個品牌及藝術單位合作。近年,他用自己身為平面設計師的經驗,鑽研手繪看板字體技術,融合成獨特個人風格。除了長期以來跟不同界別的合作以外,他最近的手寫招牌創作更是獲得了本地藝術家的青睞。Katol 亦鍾情於本港傳統文化,會在創作時從中汲取靈感。

Art Too

‘Art’ lives in every corner of Lee Gardens, inviting passersby to be surrounded by its spirit. ‘Too’ speaks to both togetherness and tools - the shared instruments of creativity that turn observers into creators. HKWALLS has collaborated with Hysan to offer the public a captivating variety of art and cultural experiences throughout the festival.

「Art」存在於利園的每個角落,路人無不被它的精神所感染。 「Too」有「團結」的意思,亦指「工具」(Tool) ─── 兩者合一併發創意,將各位觀看者轉化為創造者。HKWALLS與希慎興業希望能夠在藝術節期間共同為公眾提供豐富多彩的文化和藝術體驗。

100 Years of Lee Gardens

For a century, Lee Gardens has been the venue where art and culture touch lives and memories are made. From the Bei Shan Poets Society flourishing in a taipan house with over 130 literary members, to the glamorous era of Lee Theatre hosting world-class performances and beauty pageants, our artistic spirit has evolved across generations.

Today, as Hysan Development celebrates Lee Gardens’ 100th anniversary with the ‘Art Too’ festival alongside HKWALLS, that creative spirit lives on through vibrant murals and artistic spaces. Each artwork tells a story of transformation, celebrating the community that has made Lee Gardens a cultural home for generations. As they enter their next century, we look forward to creating tomorrow’s memories in this garden of joy.



時至今日,在希慎興業與HKWALLS攜手舉辦利園百週年慶「Art Too」藝術節之際,這種創意精神透過充滿活力的壁畫和藝術空間而得以延續。為此而誕生的每件藝術品都講述了一個關於「轉變」的故事,頌揚利園內薪火相傳、豐富多樣的本地社區文化。我們期待與你在這個樂園歡聚,創造明日的回憶,共同迎接下一個世紀。


HKwalls is a non-profit arts organisation that aims to create opportunities for local and international artists to showcase their talent in Hong Kong and internationally through the mediums of street art and street culture.

We celebrate creativity, originality and freedom of expression; actively work on connecting and building relationships with artists, the community and organisations worldwide through high-quality public art, while making the creative process accessible to all.

HKwalls holds an annual street art festival in Hong Kong during Hong Kong’s art month each March, as well as year-round programming focusing on artists’ career development, promoting the artform, and raising awareness through the arts.




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