路上有花,畫出真我 | Myicellar 雲窖

路上有花,畫出真我 | Myicellar 雲窖


By MyiCellar 雲窖

Date and time

Starts on Friday, January 3, 2025 · 7pm HKT


MyiCellar Limited 雲窖有限公司

Room 907 20 Westlands Road Quarry Bay, HKI Hong Kong

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 2 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours 30 minutes

活動介紹 Event introduction |

「酒後吐真言」⁉️ 從畫畫剖析內心世界🖼️

新年第1️⃣個Sake Event,當然要有一個精彩難忘嘅開始🤡

*💁🏻‍♀️MyiCellar 誠邀「繪畫心理分析及高級催眠治療師」為大家開年*




活動資料 Event Info |

🗓 時間 Time:3 JAN 2024 (Fri) ⏰19:00 - 22:30

📍 地點 Venue:MyiCellar Showroom 907, 20 Westlands Road, Quarry Bay

🗣️講師Speaker: Sammi Yip, certified master hypnotherapist & instructor, specializes in Projective drawing, and business stress management

酒單 Tasting List |

鈴木酒造 一生幸福 大吟釀

曙酒造 一生青春 大吟釀

西山 小鼔 路上有花 葵花 純米大吟釀

西山 小鼔 路上有花 桃花 純米大吟釀

西山 小鼔 路上有花 黑牡丹 純米大吟釀

西山 小鼔 路上有花 花吹雪 純米吟釀


門票 Ticket |

🎟️ HK$:388

🪑 座位 Seat:12



  • 若在活動開始前48小時或更早收到退款申請,將收取15%的管理費,剩餘金額將記入您下次購買的金額,有效期限自活動日期起6個月內。
  • 若在活動前48小時內或活動後收到退款申請,則不予退款。
  • 如有任何爭議,MyiCellar保留最終決定權。

Event Absence and Refund Policy

  • If a refund request is received 48 hours or before prior to the event, an 15% administration fee will be charged, and remaining amount will be credited for your next purchase and valid for 6 months since event date.
  • If a refund request is received within 48 hours prior to the event or after the event, no refund will be eligible.
  • MyiCellar reserve the right of final decision in case of dispute.

Organized by

Wine, Spirits, Sake.

We curated the best tasting experience in town.

Shop: www.myicellar.com/market
