OHMYKIDS【童遊台北】 Kids’ Adventure in Taipei

OHMYKIDS【童遊台北】 Kids’ Adventure in Taipei

今個秋天讓孩子帶你在台北展開一場充滿信任與歡樂的親子遊戲之旅! Let’s embark on an exciting parent-child adventure filled with trust and joy in Taipei this autumn!

Select date and time

Sunday, October 27 · 2 - 3:30pm CST


Xinzhongshan Linear Park

100 taipei, Taipei City 104 Taiwan R.O.C.

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

【童遊台北】 Kids’ Adventure in Taipei (scroll down for English)


2024年秋天 OHMYKIDS要來台灣囉~!










日期 | 台灣時間2024年10月27日(星期日)英語場(國語補充)

或11月9日 (星期六)國語場

時間 | 台灣時間14:00-15:30

地點 | 台北中山區

對象 | 現居台北/到台北旅遊之5-12歲孩子及其家長

每組人數| 建議2-3孩子自組團隊

語言 | 英語及國語

形式 | 實體進行,任務用Goodmates App 實時提交


1大1小:HKD 180 (~TWD 739)(原價HKD 210 (~TWD 862))

☝🏻另外加一個大人或者一個小孩 HKD 85 (~TWD 350)(原價 HKD 105 (~TWD 430))

(包現場活動前簡介會及活動後分享會+ 1個網上通行証 + 1個「小領隊選手包*」+ 1個「家長秘笈」)

*「小領隊選手包」:領隊 ”Follow Me” 旗仔、台北限定地圖、任務卡、救命卡及家長靜音模式貼紙乙件限

【Kids’ Adventure in Taipei】

OHMYKIDS is coming to Taiwan in Autumn 2024!

During Easter 2024, OHMYKIDS brought the Kids' Adventure series from Hong Kong to London, where we had fun with children living in the UK. In the summer, we flew to Vancouver, Canada, to take North American kids on a time-traveling Kids' Adventure. Before winter arrives, we will return to Asia, landing in Taiwan during its beautiful autumn season! This time, we are inviting Taiwanese kids to become "One-Day Urban Planners", learning about the history, architecture, and life of the city, inspiring their creativity as they reflect on and design their ideal community.

Children will first take on the role of "Little Tour Guides," leading their parents in exploring Taipei's Zhongshan District, an area that blends modern and traditional styles. Highlights of the route include the sleekly designed Xinzhongshan Linear Park and buildings that combine Taiwanese, Japanese, and Western influences, such as the former U.S. Consulate (now SPOT Taipei) and the Japanese-era Civil Officer’s Dormitory (Cai Ruiyue Dance Research Institute). Afterward, the kids will transform into "Urban Planners," designing their ideal Zhongshan District. Of course, they will also receive the much-anticipated "kid's leader pack," making this educational and playful journey even more exciting and fun!

Event Highlights:

🌟Gain an in-depth understanding of the history and unique characteristics of Taipei's Zhongshan District, then transform into an "Urban Planner" to design your ideal community.

🌟Diversify tasks like Q&A, photo and action questions for kids to show their wisdom and courage!

🌟Using an app to submit answers to gain points and satisfaction immediately!

🌟Design to have “Parents’ mute sticker” to let kids take the lead and learn to be a leader

🌟Boost kids’ confidence and problem solving skills

Event Details:

Date | October 27, 2024 (Sunday) English session (with Mandarin complementary) OR

November 9, 2024 (Saturday) Mandarin session

Time | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM (Taiwan Time)

Venue | Zhongshan District, Taipei

Audience | Kids aged 5-12 and their parents

Group | Suggest to have 2-3 kids in a group

Format | Physical event, tasks accompanied by Goodmates App

Price|HKD 180 (~TWD 739) for each child (Must accompanied by 1 adult)(Original price HKD 210 (~TWD 862))

☝🏻 Add one more adult or child for HKD 85 (~TWD 350) (Original HKD 105 (~TWD 430))

(including physical briefing and debriefing + 1 login account on Goodmates App + 1 “kid’s leader pack”* + 1 Parent’s guide)

*“kid’s leader pack”: ”Follow Me” flag、map、tasks card、”Help me” card and “Parents’ mute sticker”

Organized by

信任養育』激發孩子改變世界 #TrustMyKids

ohmykids - 一個親子創意品牌,致力推動 #相信孩子 之理念,凝聚 #創意 #美學 及孩子力量為世界帶來意想不到的改變。由孩子主導的遊樂場、職業體驗、市集,到全港首個小朋友爵士音樂劇場,無間斷創造獨特有趣、令人眼前一亮之項目,無論 online 或 offline 都可找到 ohmykids 的蹤影!

「相信孩子」這個理念引領 ohmykids 由最初的三人團隊走到今天,多年來為不同單位策劃集美學與創意於一身的「相信孩子」活動。期待未來,世界能從 ohmykids 發放的能量感受「相信孩子」的強大力量!

過往作品 | http://www.ohmykids.org/our-work/

Our Mission | Inspire and Empower kids to make changes in society #trustmykids

About | ohmykids is a leading kids and family brand in Hong Kong thriving to inspire and empower kids to make changes in society. We promote this “trustmykids” movement through our passion in #trustmykids #creativity and #aesthetic. We create and curate experiential projects that are truly unique and engaging, from the popular Kids' adventure in the city, Kids Playground, Kids’ Market, to Jazz for kids. Our creative ideas can be found both online and offline in big shopping malls or just around your neighbourhood.

Our Story | ohmykids is started by 3 dreamers who trust in kids and want to show the world kids can make an impact too. We started from a small team running summer programs to a bigger team running kids empowered campaigns all year round.

Get to know more about our work and get inspired at http://www.ohmykids.org/our-work/
