百萬人間有我的故事: 我們的精神健康旅程Personalising the Percentage: our mental health journey

百萬人間有我的故事: 我們的精神健康旅程Personalising the Percentage: our mental health journey

這個活動是關於每個人在精神健康旅程上的獨特故事,讓我們一起分享、互相支持!This event is about everyone’s unique story on their mental health journey, let’s share it and support!

By Mind HK

Select date and time

Thursday, March 13 · 1 - 7pm HKT


Theatre, 1880 Hong Kong

Two Taikoo Place, 979 King's Road 4F Hong Kong, HKI Hong Kong

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 3 days before event


Day 1 March 13
Day 2 March 14

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

#1 百萬人的故事:精神健康困擾與我們 A Common Story: the struggles around us (廣東話)

[廣東話 Cantonese] 在香港,每 7 人就有 1 人正在經歷常見精神疾病。(食物及衞生局——精神健康檢討報告).An estimated 1 in 7 people in Hong Kong will experience a common mental disorder at any given time. (Mental Health Review Report, Food and...

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

#2抗逆在職:為精神健康建設友善職場文化Resilience at Workplace:building a supportive culture(ENG)

[英語 English] 25%香港人認爲經歷精神健康困擾的人不適合工作。(香港心聆——污名研究問卷)25% of people think that people with mental health challenges are not suitable to work. (Mind HK’s anti-stigma survey)

4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Networking / tea break

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

#3 講呢啲:男士精神健康 Real Talk: Men and Mental Health (廣東話;開放任何性別人士參與)

[廣東話 Cantonese] 在 2023 年香港的自殺個案當中,有 65% 為男性;但危機處理服務使用者當中只有 34% 為男性。(香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會)65% of suicide cases in Hong Kong in 2023 were men, yet only 34% of crisis intervention service users were male. (Samar...

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Networking / tea break

About this event

  • Event lasts 6 hours

日期及時間 Date and time:
2025 年 3 月 13 - 14 日(星期四、五)下午 12 時半至 7 時
13 & 14 March 2025, Thursday & Friday, 12:30pm - 7pm

地點 Venue:

  • 香港鰂魚涌英皇道979號太古坊二座四樓 1880 香港
  • 1880 Hong Kong, 4/F, Two Taikoo Place Taikoo Place, 979 King's Rd, Quarry Bay

形式 Mode: 現場故事分享及討論 In-person storytelling and discussion event

語言 Language: 廣東話及英語 Cantonese and English

票價 Ticket price:

免費(每位參加者需付 HK$50 按金(以單日計算),出席活動後將獲退回款項。)Free of charge (Each participant will be required to pay a deposit of HK$50 per day, which will be refunded after attending the event.)

「我就是我」將在 2025 年 3 月 13 日及 14 日舉行共6場精神健康故事分享及研究分享環節,透過揭開統計數字背後的真人真事,讓經歷精神健康困擾人士的真實故事被大家看見!

是次活動主題為「百萬人間有我的故事 —— 我們的精神健康旅程」,目標是展示精神健康重點統計數字背後人性化的真實故事。我們將邀請多位心聆大使分享他們的精神健康復元歷程,亦會討論工作與精神健康的關係、男士精神健康以及家長和青少年精神健康等議題。



More Than a Label event is back in 2025! On 13 and 14 March, we will hold a total of six mental health storytelling and research sharing sessions. Let's hear the real stories behind key mental health statistics and discover the holistic lives of those with mental health experiences!

The "Personalising the Percentage - our mental health journeys" event is themed around the lived, humanistic stories behind notable mental health statistics. Our Mental Health Ambassadors will be sharing their recovery journeys and discussing workplace mental health, men’s mental health, parental mental health, youth mental health and more!

Through these stories, we want to increase and normalise help seeking behaviour for people in Hong Kong experiencing mental health challenges. We will also be sharing our stigma research results and addressing a number of statistics concerning various population groups.

More Than a Label is glad to have MINDSET (the Jardine Matheson Group Charity) as our partner and sponsor, as well as Manulife as our sponsor for this anti-stigma programme. We are also glad to have 1880 Hong Kong as our venue sponsor.

Organized by

Mind Hong Kong (Mind HK) is a registered S88 charity (91/16471) committed to improving awareness and understanding of mental health in Hong Kong. They provide online support and training programmes, based on global best practice, to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem and equip them with the resources they need. Through collaborative research, Mind HK is leading the way in understanding mental health problems in the city and providing its population with the right support and resources.

Visit www.mind.org.hk to learn more.

HK$0 – HK$100