「瓢蟲的肖像」“Portrait of a Ladybird” 微距攝影和自製柔光箱工作坊

「瓢蟲的肖像」“Portrait of a Ladybird” 微距攝影和自製柔光箱工作坊

理解昆蟲的多樣性和形狀,以及不同微距攝影的技巧和拍攝方法 appreciate the forms of insects and experiment in different methods of macrophotography

Date and time

Saturday, October 5 · 3 - 5:30pm HKT


貫文空間 Koon Man Space

Route Twisk Tsuen Wan New Town, NT Hong Kong

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours 30 minutes


導師 |關朗曦和鄭凱靈(嗚鴉自然教室)

時間 |2024/10/05 3:00pm - 5:30pm

地點 |貫文空間

語言 |粵語

費用 |$50 留位費,活動結束後可全數退回


我們委託了大自然教育組織嗚鴉自然教室進行川龍動物群研究,這個畫面正是今年五月早期田野考察時所捕捉的。這張相片一個特點,就是電影畫面似的燈光。Project CROW 以自製柔光箱,打出柔和的光影,把石龍子和其獵食的形態清楚捕捉。








  • 對本地生態多樣性,尤其昆蟲有興趣的大眾
  • 有涉獵生態攝影,或希望自製攝影裝備的攝影師

【 注意事項 】

1. 如遇惡劣天氣,於活動開始兩小時前,如八號風球、 黑色暴雨警告信號生效,為保障大家的安全,我們將取消活動,並以電郵╱電話通告。

2. 由於工作坊名額有限,如未能出席活動,煩請儘早聯絡我們,以讓其他參加者補上。

3. 我們建議參加者自行帶備慣用的相機和外置閃光燈。如果參加者主要以電話拍攝,或沒有使用外置閃光燈的習慣,亦能製作手持柔光箱。

4. 我們亦建議參加者穿著舒適的健步鞋和長袖衣物以防範猛烈陽光和蚊蟲。

Event Details

Facilitator|Matthew Kwan and Hoiling Cheng (Project CROW)

Time|2024/10/05 3:00pm - 5:30pm

Location|Tea Room, Koon Man Space


Fee|$50 reservation fee, refundable at the end of workshop

The skink is a diurnal species, but nighttime swarms of termites are too tasty a feast to miss!

Nature education initiative Project CROW captured this moment in May 2024, during the early phase of a visual research commission on the wildlife of Chuen Lung, Hong Kong. A special detail of this photo is the cinematic lighting—the gentle shadows outlining the skink and its prey were made possible by Project CROW’s very own DIY light diffuser.

On 05 October, we invite wildlife and photography enthusiasts to join us at Koon Man Space and learn about lighting a nature photoshoot on any budget. Matthew Kwan and Hoiling Cheng of Project CROW will lead participants through making their own diffuser and immediately head outdoors to experiment with the new gear! In doing so, we hope to encourage participants to appreciate the diversity of insects, learn alternative methods of macro (close-up) photography, and hopefully capture their own images of the majestic ladybug (or ladybird, if you please).

The workshop will comprise of the following main parts:

1/ DIY diffuser

2/ Outdoors macro photography

3/ Indoors studio shooting

4/ Impromptu photography salon

Target Audience

  • People interested in local biodiversity, especially insects
  • People interested and with experience in wildlife photography, looking to improve or even create their own gears


1. The event will be cancelled if a Black Rainstorm Warning or a Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above is issued two hours prior to the start of the workshop, workshop already in progress will continue; details of the arrangement will be notified via email or phone call.

2. As this workshop has limited capacity, if you are not available to attend after registering, please let us know in advance so that others can participate.

3. Participants are encouraged to bring their own camera and external flashlights. For participants using their phone for photography or without an external flashlight, handheld-diffuser can be made instead.

4. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable walking shoes for protection, and long-sleeved attire is advised to shield sunlight and mosquito


「嗚鴉自然教室」成立於2018年。我們相信與大自然親密的接觸是最能夠引起大家的環境保護意識。透過知識傳遞,我們希望讓大眾對大自然有更深入的理解,最終為我們下一代保護地球珍貴的自然資源為目標。我們主力為大眾提供度身訂造的大自然導賞、大自然體驗和大自然藝術工作坊, 透過專業的講解讓大家更了解和親近大自然。





About the Facilitators

Project CROW is a nature education initiative founded in 2018. We believe that close encounters and hands-on experience in nature are the best ways to engage and raise public awareness in environment protection. Through accurate knowledge transfer, we hope to increase public’s understanding of nature, ultimately conserving and securing our planet’s precious natural environment for future generations. We are dedicated in providing tailor-made activities such as guided walks, nature experiential workshops, as well as art-making workshops, to bring people closer to nature.

Hoiling Cheng

Love insects from a young age, passionate about moths in recent years, especially interested in the life history of caterpillars, studied Master of Science in Environmental Management at Hong Kong University in 2017, led various moth outings at Kadoorie Farm and Botanical Gardens.

Matthew Kwan

Started birding at the age of six, been working in art and photography education ever since he graduated from the Academy of Visual Arts of Baptist University in 2012, became an artist educator for the Through Our Eyes Photography Education Programme in 2016, he also instructed in art workshops of the “Hong Kong Bird Eco-Art” project for the Hong Kong Birdwatching Society.



香港國際攝影節由香港攝影文化協會主辦,協會為根據《稅務條例》獲確認豁免缴稅資格之慈善團體,如捐款逾港幣100元者需要收據,請電郵 info@hkipf.org.hk 與我們聯繫。

About the Hong Kong International Photo Festival

Hong Kong International Photo Festival (HKIPF) was launched in 2010. In each edition, the Festival focuses on a different theme, bringing together local and overseas photographers to discuss manifold issues and perspectives. Through a wide range of public programmes, the Festival promotes creative practices as a means to deepen our connection to the environments we live in and the people we live with. In May 2024, HKIPF opened Koon Man Space, a centre for learning and experimentation through photography housed in a refurbished school house in Chuen Lung Village, Tsuen Wan.

HKIPF’s activities are organised by the Hong Kong Photographic Culture Association, a tax-exempt charity under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. All donations received will form part of the funding support under the Art Development Matching Grants Scheme of the Home Affairs Bureau. If you’d like to make a tax-deductible donation of HKD 100 or more, reach out to info@hkipf.org.hk.


The “Chuen Lung Storyboard - Visualising a Community and its Cultural Heritage” is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.