法國「Precious Matter」物料展覽 |The French Material Exhibition 'Precious Matter'
Ticket sales end soon

法國「Precious Matter」物料展覽 |The French Material Exhibition 'Precious Matter'

立即預約參觀法國matériO'物料藏珍閣「Precious Matter」限定展覽。 Book your visit now to the French matériO' 'Precious Matter' Limited Exhibition.

By 香港設計中心 Hong Kong Design Centre

Select date and time

Thursday, January 16 · 11am - 6pm HKT


DX design hub

DX design hub 280 Tung Chau Street Sham Shui Po, KOW Hong Kong


11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

法國「Precious Matter」物料展覽 |The French Material Exhibition 'Precious Matter'

About this event

  • Event lasts 7 hours

來自法國的 matériO' 物料藏珍閣首次在香港舉辦限定展覽「Precious Matter」。

關於Precious Matters

由matériO'創始人及創新材料專家Quentin Hirsinger和Pauline Vidal策展,將邀請參觀者進入一個宛如花園的空間,坐在優雅的野餐桌旁。透過精心策劃的「菜單」,參觀者將得以探索一系列因其創新特性而被精選的材料。在展覽中,你能夠自由觸摸不同的物料,靈感會突然來臨。


在25年前成立的matériO',是一間完全獨立的機構,對所有物料一視同仁。我們認為物料無分好壞,只有合適與否。時至今日,matériO'的數據庫已選出和整合了超過10,000款物料,並在全球設有5間實體展示室,以便會員親自感受各種物料。這些展示室分別位於巴黎、布拉格、日內瓦和首爾,現在香港也成為了新的據點,在DX 設計館開設了全新的物料展示室。


2024.12.09 – 2025.06.23 (星期二及公眾假期除外)


星期一至六:11:00 - 18:00


九龍深水埗通州街280號DX設計館3樓物料館 (經2樓「亞洲設計脈沖」展覽內的展台到達3樓)

The first limited exhibition "Precious Matter" from the French matériO' library is now open in Hong Kong.

About Precious Matters

Curated by Quentin Hirsinger, founder of matériO' and an expert in innovative materials and Pauline Vidal, the exhibition invites visitors into a garden-like space to sit at a picnic table. Through a designed "menu", visitors will be able to explore a selection of materials chosen for their innovative characteristics. Within the exhibition, you are free to touch various materials and inspiration strikes unexpectedly.

About matériO’

matériO’ was born 25 years ago and is proud to be a fully independent structure that considers all materials equal. There is no good or bad material but only good or bad use. Today, there are more than 10,000 materials selected and integrated in the database, and 5 physical showrooms around the world to be able to discover them in real life, such as Paris, Prague, Geneva, Seoul and from now on in Hong Kong, opening a brand-new material showroom at the DX Design hub.


2024.12.09 – 2025.06.23 (Except Tuesday and Public Holidays)


MON-SAT: 11:00am – 18:00pm


The Barn, 3/F, DX design hub, 280 Tung Chau Street, Sham Shui Po, Kowloon (After passing through The Steps at the 2/F 'Design Pulse Asia' exhibition, reach the 3/F)



Inclement Weather Arrangements

8 號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號:

Typhoon sign No. 8 or above:

本館將會關閉。倘若 8 號或以上熱帶氣旋警告訊號除下時,距離本館閉館時間不足兩小時,當日將不會開放。

The Library will close. If the signal is lowered less than 2 hours before the normal

closing time, the Library will remain closed that day.


Black rainstorm warning:


If the warning is issued during normal opening hours, the Library will remain open.

If the warning is issued before the library opens, the library will be closed until the

warning is cancelled. If the warning is cancelled less than 2 hours before normal

closing hours, the Library will remain closed that day.


This Library reserves the right and is entitled to change, alter, add, delete, suspend, revise and update all information on this “General Visitor Guideline” at any time at its absolute discretion without giving any reasons and prior notice.


Individuals who complete the registration process confirm that they have read and agreed to the registration procedures, as well as the general visitor guidelines, terms, and conditions of the DX Library.


Disclaimer: The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region provides funding support to some of HKDC’s activities/projects only, and does not otherwise take part in such funded activities/projects. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication and relevant materials/events (or by members of the project teams) are those of HKDC only and do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau, the Cultural and Creative Industries Development Agency, the CreateSmart Initiative Secretariat or the CreateSmart Initiative Vetting Committee.

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