Screening: Water is LoveScreening: Water is LoveTue, Apr 15, 18:303/F 1880 Social Hong Kong • Quarry Bay, HKIHK$93.27Save Screening: Water is Love to your collection.Share Screening: Water is Love with your friends.
Hive Cinema: April ShowcaseHive Cinema: April ShowcaseThu, Apr 24, 18:30the Hive Sai Kung • Hong Kong, NTFreeSave Hive Cinema: April Showcase to your collection.Share Hive Cinema: April Showcase with your friends.
Film Discussion |The Boy Who Harnessed The WindFilm Discussion |The Boy Who Harnessed The WindWed, Apr 30, 19:30Africa Center Hong Kong • Hong Kong, KOWFreeSave Film Discussion |The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind to your collection.Share Film Discussion |The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind with your friends.
Film Discussion |Moonlight - Pride Month SpecialFilm Discussion |Moonlight - Pride Month SpecialWed, Jun 25, 19:30Africa Center Hong Kong • Hong Kong, KOWFreeSave Film Discussion |Moonlight - Pride Month Special to your collection.Share Film Discussion |Moonlight - Pride Month Special with your friends.
Film Discussion |Bad Boys: Ride or DieFilm Discussion |Bad Boys: Ride or DieWed, May 28, 19:30Africa Center Hong Kong • Hong Kong, KOWFreeSave Film Discussion |Bad Boys: Ride or Die to your collection.Share Film Discussion |Bad Boys: Ride or Die with your friends.
Radiant Heart: Embodying Self-Love & Magnetizing Your DreamsRadiant Heart: Embodying Self-Love & Magnetizing Your DreamsSun, Apr 27, 14:30Good Peoples • Hong Kong, HKIHK$900.92Save Radiant Heart: Embodying Self-Love & Magnetizing Your Dreams to your collection.Share Radiant Heart: Embodying Self-Love & Magnetizing Your Dreams with your friends.
Token of Love Music FestivalToken of Love Music FestivalThu, May 8, 18:00Wonderland • Hong Kong, HKIFreeSave Token of Love Music Festival to your collection.Share Token of Love Music Festival with your friends.
In the Name of Love! | 以愛之名In the Name of Love! | 以愛之名Tomorrow at 11:00The Stroll gallery • Kwai Chung, HKIFreeSave In the Name of Love! | 以愛之名 to your collection.Share In the Name of Love! | 以愛之名 with your friends.
Of Time and Love: HK Phil at HKUST 不朽之愛: 港樂在科大Of Time and Love: HK Phil at HKUST 不朽之愛: 港樂在科大Sat, Apr 12, 19:30Main Hall, Shaw Auditorium • Clearwater Bay, KOWFreeSave Of Time and Love: HK Phil at HKUST 不朽之愛: 港樂在科大 to your collection.Share Of Time and Love: HK Phil at HKUST 不朽之愛: 港樂在科大 with your friends.
Open Movement Workshop w/ Young Boy Dancing GroupOpen Movement Workshop w/ Young Boy Dancing GroupTue, Apr 8, 19:00Terrible Baby, Music Room • Hong Kong, KOWFreeSave Open Movement Workshop w/ Young Boy Dancing Group to your collection.Share Open Movement Workshop w/ Young Boy Dancing Group with your friends.