PMQ, Coffeeder

就算世界停擺,還有咖啡帶來自在搖擺,Let's catch up!

PMQ Coffee Agenda將在秋日透過線上直播與你重聚,巧思策劃一系列分享會、工作坊和戶外探索之旅,邀請你在家中串起咖啡與生活日常的美味關係,體驗咖啡文化「新嚐態」。

Even though the world stood still, there's still coffee to keep us swinging: let's catch up!

PMQ Coffee Agenda will go live to meet everyone this autumn, through a series of sharing sessions, workshops and outdoor explorations. Join us at home as we stream in the luscious connection between coffee and daily life, and experience coffee culture with our freshly brewed “cup of excellence”.

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Past (18)


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